====================================================================== Title : Final Carnage Author : Rune (Turbo) Trasop E-mail : ttrasop@online.no Description : This is a map made for Duke Nukem Atomic Edition. I called this map Final because it likely to be my last Duke Nukem map. So this is the last Carnage-map from me, previous Carnage maps I`ve made:SSC(Space Station Carnage, singleplayer- only), CinemaC(Cinema Carnage, deathmatch- only), WateryC (Watery Carnage, deathmatch-only) and Final Carnage(deathmatch-only). But that`s not all I`ve also made Celsius(deathmatch-only) and OKSBAA (Operation: Kill&Slaughter Bad Ass Aliens, singleplayer-only). So what is this Final Carnage like? Well, it a mape with city theme, complete with post-office, policestation and snackbar. I have scattered the goodies throughout the map, forcing the player to move if they want the best weapons. I hope you will enjoy slaugther your friends in this map! Additional Credits to : The GODS at 3D REALMS for doing one of the best games ever made. Hamleipa for fighting me in this map. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes (no monsters) Multi-player : deathmatch. Difficulty Settings : no * Construction * Base :From scratch Editor used :Build Bugs :Some of the swingdoors look a bit strange sometimes. I`ve rebuilt them a billion times but.... I think the overlapping sectors may cause it. Building time :a few days * Where to get this MAP file * Well don't you have it already? =========================================================================== !VERY IMPORTANT! You may do whatever you want with my map(even copy it onto a disk and flush it down the toilet),but do always include this txt-file. (so everyone who have it know that I did it,and I get the honour I deserve!) SLAYER (trade mark) . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE SLAYER LOGO IS TRADE MARK OF SLAYER.